Office Cleaning Checklist: 7 Tips for Keeping the Workplace Dust and Pest Free

Are you aiming to create the perfect office cleaning checklist?

Trying to keep your office clean and free from pests?

If you want to have a successful and thriving business, keeping your workplace clean may be more important than you realize. A clean workplace will help to reduce employee health issues and eliminate the possibility of pest infestations. A clean office or workplace will also help to keep employees motivated, boosting morale and making them more productive.

Unfortunately, keeping your office clean is easier said than done so you need to put in an effort to make it happen.

Luckily, we've got you covered. Below we'll give you our top 7 tips for keeping your workplace dust and pest free at all times.

1. Set a Cleaning Routine

The first thing you need to do to keep a cleaner workplace is to establish a routine that you and your employees will follow. Your employees need to make a habit of performing cleaning tasks regularly to ensure that you're keeping your workplace in great shape.

Separating your list into daily, weekly, and monthly tasks is a great idea and can ensure that you don't get lazy and let dust and grime build up.

For daily tasks, you may want to include emptying the trash, dusting computer monitors and keyboards, and wiping down tables and counters in break areas. Weekly tasks may include emptying a breakroom refrigerator and cleaning appliances in the kitchen.

By creating a daily routine for you and your employees to follow in the workplace, you'll be able to keep your office in great shape day after day and week after week.

2. Start with the Floors

One of the most important things you can do to improve cleanliness in the workplace is to create a comprehensive floor cleaning plan. Office or workplace floors can attract plenty of dust and grime.

Regular vacuuming is incredibly important if you have carpet. If you have hard floors then you need to have a routine set for mopping them regularly. Regular deep cleaning of your floors should also play a part in your cleaning plan, and you may want to seek professional services to help with it.

Keeping the floors clean will help remove dust, and as a result, it will keep your team breathing easy as well.

3. Remember the Nooks and Crannies

When cleaning your office it's important that you make sure to reach into all of the nooks and crannies around your office that have a major tendency for building up dust and dirt and collecting food crumbs.

Be sure to move furniture and desks regularly and look into cracks and crevices to get rid of dust, cobwebs, and dirt that has fallen by the wayside.

It's especially important to do this deeper cleaning in the kitchen or in eating areas because any food crumbs that have fallen into cracks and hidden spots may attract mice and other pests.

4. Limit Food Consumption to the Pantry

On the topic of food, it's usually a good idea to have specific rules for your employees on where they're able to eat. It's ideal to keep this concentrated in only specific areas as this will make it easier for you to clean later on and will prevent crumbs from going everywhere in your office.

Limit food consumption to a breakroom or dining area only and you'll go a long way in preventing pests such as ants, mice, and other annoying creatures you don't want to have in your office workplace.

5. Prioritize Common Areas

When keeping your office clean, it will pay to focus much of your effort on any areas that many different employees frequent. This should include common eating or break areas, bathrooms, or anywhere else many employees are likely to visit during any given day.

With so many people going in and out of these rooms, there's a higher likelihood of them collecting germs and if anybody is sick it could affect the other members of the team. Be sure that you give these common areas a little extra care on your daily cleaning routine if you want to ensure you have the cleanest workplace that you can have.

6. Clean out Storage Areas

Storage space, closets, and areas that are filled with clutter need to be kept in check to keep your office clean and free from rodents and other vermin.

You should make sure that you are avoiding placing cardboard boxes directly on the floor of these areas because they can break down and attract pests. Mice and other creatures tend to use cardboard to build nests and make themselves at home.

Use plastic boxes whenever possible instead of cardboard when storing items in your workplace. Also, work to keep storage areas as tidy and clean as possible so that animals and insects will find it hard to create good hiding spots.

7. Improve Air Quality

It's also important to improve the air quality in your office as well, as great air quality will improve cleanliness as well as the overall health of your workers.

It's a great idea to add more plants to your office and to invest in some air purifiers to make your workplace as breathable as possible. If possible you should also find a way to bring more natural air into your workplace by investing in some windows or opening them more often.

You may also want to get your air ducts and vents checked. Make sure that you replace air filters regularly to ensure that airflow is optimized in your workplace.

Creating the Perfect Office Cleaning Checklist

Be sure to use these tips when creating your own office cleaning checklist. By following the tips above you'll be able to have a clean workplace that helps your employees feel more comfortable and prevents rodents and insects from invading.

Need help keeping your office or facility clean? Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you.

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