Cleaning Industry Statistics and Trends You Need to Stay on Top Of

cleaning industry

There really is nothing like turning on the lights first thing in the morning to see a clean kitchen.Everyone enjoys that clean, put-together feeling. But not everyone enjoys (or has time to devote to) the process it takes to get there. Sounds like a booming business opportunity.But it's deceptively hard to grow and maintain a successful cleaning company.We've rounded up the most important current information about the cleaning industry. These statistics and trends that will help you make the correct choice to scale your business.

The Good News for Entrepreneurs

Contract cleaning companies are becoming more commonplace, and for more than just commercial buildings.Where years ago having a hired cleaner was a luxury, now many more people view it as a necessity with the increase in household members working outside of the home.The industry as a whole made $61 billion dollars in 2019. So, what does that mean for you and your business? It means the industry is growing and there is plenty of room for you at the table.Now you've just got to figure out how to carve out your spot and claim your piece of the pie.

You'll Face Healthy Competition

As you probably know, the competition in the cleaning industry is pretty high. This is largely due to the fact that entry into the industry is fairly easy.There is no specific training, degree, or certificate that is necessary to begin cleaning professionally. Though some states may require a permit or license, these can be easy to obtain.The initial investment in supplies is also on a lower end, especially if your focus is residential cleaning.Because cleaners are in such high demand, take advantage of that low startup and find the right customers for you.

Consider Diving Into Niche Markets

One way many cleaning businesses are working their way through the competition is by finding a very specific type of clientele they work with. In other words, they choose a type of client base and focus all their efforts towards that group.The most successful businesses are not trying to clean for anyone and everyone; instead, they focus on finding the right group and trying to gain everyone in that group as a client.This niche focus is especially helpful for the marketing side of running a business.Also, word of mouth advertising is extremely important, so getting in with these niche groups can boost your overall client base.

Ease of Transactions Is Essential

A surefire way to get your current clients to talk you up to potential future clients is to make their experience working with you as easy as possible.Everyone is looking for convenience these days, so try to find ways to add that into your practices. Allowing customers to schedule cleanings digitally (through email, texting, or a website) is a good place to start.Payments can be another place to simplify your business. The world is on track to make $726 billion dollars in digital payments in 2020. You need to be in on some of that incoming money.A digital payment system is easier for customers who don't have cash or checks on hand. But it is also easier for you to track and organize.Win-win all around. Get into the digital age with transactions and scheduling!

Nodding at the Green Cleaning Industry

For the past several years, there has been a steady increase in society's awareness around our use of chemicals and how they impact the environment. Many customers may be interested in hiring a green company that uses more environmentally-friendly products.With this growing interest, this may be a great niche part of the market to capitalize on. It may take some trial and error, but you can find clean, green options for all the basic supplies you will need to complete your job.Going green is not for everyone, but it is a popular trend in many different industries, including the cleaning industry.

Social Media Presence Is a Must

Everyone is on social media. Your grandma, your customers, your 2nd-grade teacher, and most importantly, your future clients.When you research starting a new cleaning business, one thing that often comes up is a high client turnover rate across the industry. Many attribute this to the fact that good work goes unnoticed but a bad job is immediately reacted upon.Social media can play a huge role in overcoming that industry problem by giving you an outlet to point out the good your company is doing.Creating an online presence that highlights the type of services you are offering your clients, and showing examples if possible, gives you the opportunity to legitimize the work your company is doing.And let's face it, social media reviews are the new word of mouth.

Creating Your Space in This Market

The janitorial and cleaning industry is projected to grow by 7% in the next few years. That is incredible news for entrepreneurs! There is definitely room for your company to be a part of that growth.The industry is ever-evolving. Customers want excellent results with positive interactions and simple transactions. Staying on top of industry changes and trends is an important part of growing a cleaning business.Check back with us regularly to get new insights into the cleaning industry.

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