How Does Proper Training Lead to Limitless Success?

Training is always important. But when you’re getting trained on how to operate your brand-new franchise, it’s paramount. If you don’t receive the proper training, your new franchise business may not prosper the way you want it to.

Franchise Training Probably Isn’t Top Of Mind

If you’re like most people who are looking to be their own boss through franchising, you do the following:

  • Search for the right franchise
  • Learn about the franchises you’re interested in through calls with franchise development representatives at franchise headquarters
  • Study the documents you’ve been presented with
  • Research the franchises you’re interested in
  • Weed out the franchise business opportunities you don’t feel are right for you
  • Decide on which franchise to own

That’s all well and fine, but there’s something you need to do that most of today’s aspiring franchise owners aren’t doing.
You need to find out how you’ll be trained once you sign on the dotted line.
Because the more well-trained you are, the more prepared you’ll be to start your new business venture.
So don’t be shy. Get some specifics on what your training includes to become a successful franchisee.

How To Find Out About Training You’ll Receive As A Franchisee

Although the website of the franchise opportunity you’re interested in will probably have a snippet or two about its franchise training program, you’ll need to go deeper.
Your goal will be to get a good idea of how serious the franchisor is about training its franchisees for success.
In this case, the best way to get more detailed information about the franchise training program is to ask your franchise development representative. The person has the answers.
Here are 6 specific training questions you need to ask from the very beginning of your process:

  1. When will my training begin?
  2. Where will I be trained?
  3. Who will train me?
  4. How many hours of training will I receive?
  5. Will I receive training on technology?
  6. Is ongoing training included?

Often, the answers you get will lead to even more questions. And that’s a good thing because good questions can be powerful.

“Questions have the power to change lives. They can jump-start creativity, change our perspective, empower us to believe in ourselves, push us to think things through or call us to action." - Tony Stoltzfus

With that in mind, let’s look at the kind of training OpenWorks provides for all its franchisees.

Getting The Right Training

OpenWorks takes franchisee training seriously. That’s why the OpenWorks franchisee training is a robust, multi-faceted process.
And it starts soon after you officially become the owner of an OpenWorks franchise business in your area.

Classroom Training

The first type of training that OpenWorks franchise owners receive is classroom training. 27 hours of it.
And in the case of OpenWorks, the franchise training courses take place online through Franchise University, a proprietary franchisee training and education website.
Here are a few of the things OpenWorks franchisees learn during their classroom training sessions:

  • How to use EPA-approved disinfectants and cleaning products
  • How to use commercial cleaning equipment, including power equipment
  • How to use protective gear and equipment
  • Lessons on safety
  • A complete overview of OpenWorks products and services

And more.

Business Training

You’ll be trained extensively on the business side of how to successfully run your facilities management franchise.

  • How to recruit and hire the right employees
  • How to set up a cleaning schedule
  • How to lead and manage your team
  • Insight on payroll and who to go to for help
  • How to become a successful small business owner
  • How to apply for a Diversity Business Enterprise certification if applicable
Tactical In-Person Training

This is the hands-on portion of your training. The live, in-person training includes learning how to clean commercial facilities from front to back, and from top to bottom.
And as you’ll see, the focus of this part of your training will be on production and efficiency.
For example, you’ll learn how to best optimize what’s known in the industry as “team cleaning”.In addition, you’ll be taught how to properly clean and disinfect surfaces, along with proven ways to professionally clean carpeting and hard flooring.

Franchise Training Goals

By the time you’ve finished OpenWorks franchise training, you’ll know exactly how to properly and professionally clean and disinfect commercial buildings from top to bottom.
In addition, you’ll learn the proper way to operate your new franchise business.
That includes the best way to recruit, hire, schedule, lead and compensate your employees. But that’s not all.

OpenWorks franchisees also receive ongoing training.

That’s because the commercial cleaning industry is always evolving.
For instance, it may mean the introduction of newer and preferred cleaning solvents.
It could also mean updated or new regulations regarding the application and use of certain chemicals you need to be knowledgeable about.
Finally, there may be a new, faster method for your team to perform a certain type of cleaning that will help your business be more efficient.
In the end, one of the things that set the franchise business model apart is the training franchisees receive.
But franchise business training needs to be done right, so you can prosper as a franchise owner.
That means it needs to be thorough and ongoing.
The good news is you can get specifics on the training you’ll receive as a franchisee by asking the questions included in this post.
Questions you’ll be glad you asked.

This article was written by The Franchise King®, Joel Libava. He’s a 20+ year industry veteran, the author of two helpful books on how to buy and research franchises, and a Franchise Ownership Advisor.

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